If you can not
leave your home or work setting
for So Many Practical and Realistic Reasons and
God Given Responsibilities that Must be Honored.
Some People, very
simply, must work on Sunday.
Some Folks are
Ill, Homebound, in a Hospital
or Recovery due to An Operation, Disability or Disease.
Some of US are living
permanently or temporarily in a part
of this world where there is no church or services nearby.
Some People Need
An Online, Small Group, House Church.
Our Armed Forces
are Stationed in Countries Worldwide!
Men and Women are
Imprisoned All Over God's Earth.
Some People are
very busy doing good works for
others and Sunday is One of Their Busiest Days.
If your time is
limited and your schedule is full.
If you need or
want to attend a Church Service at a
different day or time than traditional Sunday Mornings.
If you are
temporarily assigned, stationed or working
away from your home, business or in Another Country.
If you simply
prefer communicating by Telephone or PC.
If you need a
Church that will be there for you whenever
you need it and free to visit or worship or use our services.
If you live in Any
Part of The World and Really Like
the Idea of being involved with Something New:
An Online International Missionary Personal Church.
Brothers and Sisters and Families of Martyrs!!!
Attend Church Here, Or in One of Our Worldwide Online
Internet Churches in Your Country, When You are Able,
Alone or in Groups, and Read through Our Worship Services,
Multi-Language Bibles, Music, Pray and
Receive Communion. You Can Practice Your Beliefs & Remain Strong in
Your Faithfulness to God,
Our Father, Jesus Christ,
His Son & Our Lord & Living Saviour &
The Holy Spirit.
Yes to All of You, Who Live in Countries Where Attending
Church Service Alone or Together is Against the Law, or if You're Imprisoned,
Hurt, Abused or Persecuted for Your Beliefs & Christian
Practices: Our Hearts Are
You All. Be Strong. Be Careful. Be Wise. God Loves Your Devotion to Him
& Faithfulness in Spite of All Your
We Love You. You Will Be Rewarded Greatly. You Can Attend Church Here,
Read & Study the Bible, Pray & Send Us Prayer Requests 24
Hours Daily.